Sunday, August 23, 2020
Friday, August 21, 2020
Raccoons essays
Raccoons papers Raccoons breed among January and March, the pinnacle is around Feburary. The male raccoon pairy just to mate, and they don't frame long haul pair bonds with the female. The females pregnancy just endures nine weeks, and the youthful start to follow their moms on outings by early June. More youthful female raccoon's variety at a lower rate and have littler litters than do more established grown-up females.Less than 70% of more youthful females are reproduced, with a normal litter size of 3.3 youthful. 95% of grown-up females are reproduced, and have a normal of 4 youthful per litter. Rearing by grown-up females is typically consistent from year to year, while reproducing by the more youthful ones can be extraordinary. The youngers ones' rearing rates are assume to mirror the seriousness of the past winter and the general wellbeing of the populace. The significant reasons for mortality for raccoons in the Midwest are hide gather, getting run over by a vehical, and illnesses. Starvation is quite uncommon. As hide collect abatements, mortality from different causes will likely increment. The most widely recognized illness in raccoons is canine distemper. In spite of the fact that the indications for distemper are like those of rabies, raccoons are barely ever analyzed as having rabies. In the wild, raccoons are found along streams and lakes close to lush zones. You may likewise discover them on occupy urban, private, and recreational zones. Raccoons are not specific about nook locales and some of them use tree hollows, empty logs, caves,rock hole, gaps in the ground, and at times storm sewers. They don'ot burrow their own tunnels. Raccoons use rock nooks frequently during winter, most likely in light of the fact that rock caves offer warm, stable temperatures, are secure, and are enormous enough for common denning. In all honesty, I totally cherished this article. At the point when I was a more youthful I had a raccoon as a pet. To become familiar with the entirety of this new data is moderately interresting and permits me to comprehend why Sassy, my raccoon, was how she was. ... <!
Sunday, July 12, 2020
Essay on Evolution of Management Principle
Essay on Evolution of Management Principle Evolution of Management Principle Sep 13, 2019 in Management Evolution of principles of management from the classical theory to the present times has three core stages or rather, schools of thoughts, which include: the classical theory, the neoclassical theory, and the modern theory. The Classical Theory It applies traditionally accepted views and emphasizes on organizational efficiency in order to increase chances of organizational success. The approach believes in interrelationships function that follows stipulated principles that are based on experience, structure of bureaucracy, and a punishment-reward nexus. Classical theory was developed into the three approaches: the administrative approach, the scientific management approach, and the bureaucratic approach, which also falls under the administrative approach. Scientific approach was founded by Taylor in 1903. It uses various principles, one of them being in determining the best strategies for accomplishing every task. Secondly, it suggests that the workers should be selected based on scientific grounds, on the way they are trained, and on their qualifications in order to perform their job in the best manner. Lastly, it suggests that the management should be responsible for planning of the work, whereas the workers should be responsible for implementing the plans. The bureaucratic approach was designed by Weber in 1920. It was developed because of the perceived weakness of classical theory; therefore, this approach focused on understanding the features that affect human behavior while at work. Administrative approach was develpod by Fayol in 1949 as an approach that focuses on principles and processes of management, unlike the scientific theory that emphasizes individuals tasks and management. Neo-Classical Theory This theory emphasizes human relations and significance of a person that is behind the machine, individual as well as group relationships, and their social aspects. This theory was started by Mayo and the Associates in the early 1930s, and it was further expanded into behavioral science theory that was pioneered by Maslow-Abraham in 1968. During the World War II, quantitative approach was developed and the theory shifted to economic efficiency in solving business problems and contingency approach, which believes in the concept of universality and determining managerial decisions by using situational features. All these form the neo-classical approach (Yolles, 1999). Order now Live Chat Modern Approach This approach sees modern management as complex systems and uses a contingency approach and other modern techniques in solving human and organizational problems. Contingency theory emphasizes on applying processes and principles as they are stated by each situation. The theory believes that there is no best way to manage an organization, and that management depends on situation factors such as technology, external environment, characteristics of the manager, and organization and of the subordinates (Barnett, Hofler, 2006). Quantitative approach emerged during the World War II. It was used to bring together government officials, managers, and scientists in order to help the army in utilizing their resources. This approach uses information models, optimization models, and statistics and computer simulations in order to make effective decisions and to solve economic and business problems. This approach has many branches such as management information approach, operations management approach, and management science approach (Kreiter, 2004). Criticisms The above approaches keep on evolving and the new ones are developed in order to meet the requirement of management in solving the criticism of the previous approaches that were in use. For instance, classical approach was criticized by behavioral approach in a way that principles of management are not universally applicable in the modern business situation that is complex. Also some principles of classical approach are contradictory; for instance, the principle of specialization contradicts with the unity of command principle. Also the classical theorists ignored problems of leadership, power, motivation, and informal relations. They did not consider external and internal forces that affect an organization. On the other hand, neo-classical theory failed to focus on the attitude of workers, whereas attitude is a crucial factor that affects their productivity and performance. The Second Section The current work place that I am in chose to use contingency management theory because it pays attention to the fact that there is no best manner to manage an organization, and in order for a business organization to be effective and to carry out planning, leading, organizing, and controlling activities, the organization must be tailored to the specific circumstances that they face on a daily basis. Managers have always questioned, Which is the right thing to do? Should the organization have organic or mechanistic structure? Should they have divisional or functional structure, narrow or wide span of management, complex or simple coordination and control mechanisms, or decentralized or centralized? Should the company use people- or task-oriented styles of leadership, and what kind of motivational incentives and approach program should the organization use in order to attain efficiency and the best outcome short and long run?. The reason why my organization chose contingency theory is because the approach presumes that there is no answer to the above questions and there is no management theory that can be used universally, because people, organizations, and situations change and vary with time. Therefore, the right mechanism to use will depend on the variety of internal and environmental contingencies. Comparison and Contrast between Contingency Theory and Scientific Theory of Management Management is a process of coordinating business activities in order to complete them effectively and efficiently through internal or external people. Scientific approach and contingency approach are both concerned with effective and efficient management of an organization. In defining the two theories, scientific management theory is a traditional method in management, which can be traced back to Taylor Fredericks work between 1856 and 1915, whereas contingency approach is a contemporary strategy, which is focused on the contingency variables. Scientific approach is mechanistic, because it considers being red-terminable by the one, which come first (Yolles, 1999). One strategy of identifying scientific management is by use of scientific procedures in defining best methods of carrying out a task. A scientific approach is successful for formalizing workers division, managing of the decision making process, and job design separating from executing the task. Taylor was focused on ensuri ng that the employer and employees attain maximum prosperity and the highest level of efficiency. .chat-now-banner { background: #ec5c63; position: relative; overflow: hidden; text-align: center; } .chat-now-banner::before { display: block; content: ''; position: absolute; left: -170px; right: 50%; top: 0; bottom: 0; background: #04b5af; transform: skewX(45deg); } .chat-now-banner table { position: relative; color: #ffffff; font-size: 16px; } .chat-now-banner .btn.btn-primary { background: #ffffff; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 36px; color: #ec5c63; box-shadow: none; border-radius: 6px 0 6px 0; padding-left: .75rem; padding-right: .75rem; } .chat-now-banner-problem, .chat-now-banner-solution span { position: relative; } .chat-now-banner-problem { padding-left: 50px; } .chat-now-banner-solution { padding-right: 50px; } .chat-now-banner-problem::before { content: url('/images/banners/chat-img1r.png'); display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; position: absolute; left: 20px; top: 50%; transform: translateY(-50%); } .chat-now-banner-solution span::after { content: url('/images/banners/chat-img2.png'); display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; position: absolute; left: 110% } .chat-now-banner-solution span { white-space: nowrap; } .chat-now-banner td { text-align: center; } @media all and (min-width: 1600px) { .chat-now-banner-solution div { display: inline; } .chat-now-banner .btn.btn-primary { margin-left: 15px; } } @media all and (max-width: 1599px) { .chat-now-banner-problem, .chat-now-banner-solution span { line-height: 1; } .chat-now-banner-problem { line-height: 35px; } .chat-now-banner-solution { line-height: 35px; } .chat-now-banner td { vertical-align: top; padding: 20px 5px 10px; } } @media all and (min-width: 1250px) and (max-width: 1599px) { .chat-now-banner-problem span { display: block; } } @media all and (max-width: 1249px) and (min-width: 993px) { .chat-now-banner .btn.btn-primary { margin-left: 0; } .chat-now-banner { height: auto; max-width: 480px; margin: 0 auto; background: linear-gradient(to right top, #ec5c63 0%, #ec5c63 50%, #04b5af 50%, #04b5af 100%) } .chat-now-banner::before { display: none; } .chat-now-banner-problem { padding-right: 15px; } .chat-now-banner-problem::before { left: -1px; top: 87%; transform: translateY(-50%); } .chat-now-banner-problem span { display: block; position: absolute; right: 15px; } .chat-now-banner td { display: block; } .chat-now-banner td:nth-child(2) { display: none; } .chat-now-banner td:last-child { padding-top: 13px; padding-bottom: 17px; } .chat-now-banner td:first-child { text-align: right; } .chat-now-banner-problem { display: inline-block; padding-right: 15px; } .chat-now-banner-solution { width: 50%; } .chat-now-banner-problem { padding-right: 15px; } .chat-now-banner-solution { padding: 0; } } @media all and (max-width: 992px) { .chat-now-banner-problem span { display: block; } } @media all and (max-width: 699px) { .chat-now-banner .btn.btn-primary { margin-left: 0; } .chat-now-banner { height: auto; max-width: 480px; margin: 0 auto; background: linear-gradient(to right top, #ec5c63 0%, #ec5c63 50%, #04b5af 50%, #04b5af 100%) } .chat-now-banner::before { display: none; } .chat-now-banner-problem { padding-right: 15px; } .chat-now-banner-problem::before { left: -1px; top: 87%; transform: translateY(-50%); } .chat-now-banner-problem span { display: block; position: absolute; right: 15px; } .chat-now-banner td { display: block; } .chat-now-banner td:nth-child(2) { display: none; } .chat-now-banner td:last-child { padding-top: 13px; padding-bottom: 17px; } .chat-now-banner td:first-child { text-align: right; } .chat-now-banner-problem { display: inline-block; padding-right: 15px; } .chat-now-banner-solution { width: 50%; } .chat-now-banner-problem { padding-right: 15px; } .chat-now-banner-solution { padding: 0; } } @media all and (max-width: 519px) { .chat-now-banner-solution { width: 100%; } .chat-now-banner-problem { display: block; text-align: center; padding: 0; } .chat-now-banner-problem span { display: inline; position: static; } } @media all and (max-width: 459px) { .chat-now-banner::before { transform: skewX(55.1deg); left: 160px; } .chat-now-banner-problem::before { top: 50%; } .chat-now-banner-problem span { display: block; } } Need reliable and quick help with your paper? Connect us right now? Chat Now The contingency approach uses contemporary approaches towards management in contrast to the approach of scientific theory, which acknowledges that there is no better way to carry out management activities in any situation, and that those situational variables from external and internal environment influence management practices. The contingency approach emphasizes the importance of organizations facing different contingencies and that it requires various styles of management. The theory stresses on the suitability of situations rather than on the inflexible adherence to the principles that are used universally, as it is emphasized by the scientific school of thought. Contingency theory believes that an organization is impounded to its environments and situation (Kreiter, 2004). In scientific approach, Taylor was focused on the managers of the first line, because he was concentrated on the efficiency of workers and wanted to improve their productivity. On the other hand, contingency t heory is focused on learning of the ways of management in line with variables of the organization. Despite the fact that management styles and forms of various organizations are standardized, contingency approach recognizes the significance of decision making as a managerial factor, and identifies the benefit of organization interacting with the environment. A foundation of each theory differs; yet, they are concerned with productivity and effectiveness increment. Scientific management approach was founded when Taylor started scrutinizing human work in 1885, when he was operating as a chief engineer at Midvale Steel Works. He looked at personal work of the employees and identified each task and workers movements that were involved into coming up with the optimum time that is needed to finish a job. The information he got was used by the managers in order to determine whether workers were working efficiently or not, and if there was a chance of increasing their productivity (Crainer, Hamel, 1997). Later on, scientific management advanced, when Taylor conducted experiments on pig iron. His observation of Iron experiment reduced costs by bringing into a system the rate, which was implemented by the Bethlehem Iron Company. After the two-years-period the productivity of the Bethlehem Iron Company hit 200%. Franfkly, a scientific approach is b ased on the experiment on pig iron, and they give useful lessons to the researchers of management. Contingency management theory is based on the restrictions in an organization that affect decisions in that environment. The approach emphasizes that effective organizing, leading, planning, and controlling must be made in a way that they fit that particular organization (Robbins, Bergman, Coulter, 2003). Managers must understand and interpret situational contingencies in their organization before engaging in any decision-making processes and carrying out corresponding activities. The foundation of the two approaches shows different techniques of management; however, they are both looking at an effective management. Both contingency and scientific approaches have precise views on the role of the employees within their organization. The scientific method identifies that there is a particular suitability of particular people in a profession; yet, it pays no attention to the fact that management is identical to the economic suggestions and interests of the workers (Barnett, Hofler, 2006). Situation approach highlights an interaction and empowerment of the organizations employees. Scientific method sees workers as uniform machines, who can be made to work efficiently by getting rid of wasted or unnecessary effort. It has no room for personal initiative or imagination, because workers are viewed as mechanical labor, who can achieve a particular result. This approach is not efficient, because employees worked harder and harder every time and were eventually becoming discontented with the working set due to the fact that their wishes were not taken into account and the management was unappreciative to the social framework of workers. In contrast to these, the contingency approach takes into account and consideration the needs of employees, and they are viewed as similar contingency variables. Conclusion Contingency and scientific management approaches are diverse with regard to productivity perspective, employees, organizations, and the ways goals of an organization are attained. However, both theories are highly concerned with similar concept; they aim at attaining effectiveness and efficiency while maintaining stipulated goals of the organization. Current society and organizations prefer to use contingency theory over scientific theory due to the various factor of contingency variables, which are flexible and influentive on the performance of organization. However, both methods are relevant and valid to the theory of management and practice.
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Way to Gain Ultimate Success - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 934 Downloads: 4 Date added: 2017/09/22 Category Advertising Essay Type Narrative essay Tags: Success Essay Did you like this example? Personal Redemption: A Way to Attain Ultimate Success Personal redemption is very hard to achieve, both mentally and physically. Amirââ¬â¢s search for redemption in his fathers eyes for the death of his mother and his remorse for Hassanââ¬â¢s rape results to his seek for redemption. Similarly, Thaoââ¬â¢s quest for redemption is commenced by his gratitude toward Walt, as well as his remorse for trying to steal the Gran Torino. The quest for self redemption is a very hard and extensive procedure, not only mentally but also physically. In the cases of Amir in The Kite Runner and Thao Vang Lor from Gran Torino, redemption is extremely hard to attain. In many religious scriptures, redemption is mentioned repeatedly. Especially in the Quran, the book of the Muslims, redemption is described as an everlasting occurrence. In the Kite Runner, Amir feels responsible for the death of his mother. He believes that he owes his father something for being the cause of his great wi feââ¬â¢s death. Baba says, ââ¬Å"When you kill a man, you steal a life. You steal his wifeââ¬â¢s right to a husband; rob his children of a fatherâ⬠(Hosseini, 19). This shows the rigidity of his father when it comes to death. Allah says in the Quran, ââ¬Å"Of no effect is the repentance of those who continue to do evilâ⬠(Quran 4:18). The explanation of this can be that one who repents; who seeks redemption and continues to do evil is not forgiven. This shows that forgiveness is not easy to achieve, especially in Amirââ¬â¢s case. In closing, one can seek redemption but that path is a very long and narrow pathway. In the movie, Gran Torino, Thao gives in to the peer pressure of the neighbourhood gang members and he attempts to steal Walt Kowalskiââ¬â¢s most prized possession, his car. Theft is mentioned in one of the Ten Commandments revealed to Moses. It states, ââ¬Å"Thou shall not stealâ⬠. Stealing another personââ¬â¢s possession is one of the greatest and it is not easily forgiven sins. This makes Thaoââ¬â¢s search for redemption a difficult one. In an authentic saying from the Prophet Muhammad (p. b. u. h), the punishment for a thief is very harsh. He (p. b. u. h) says, ââ¬Å"The hand should be cut off for a quarter of a Dinar or moreâ⬠(Al Bukhari). This shows that to pursue forgiveness and redemption from theft is extremely difficult. In conclusion, for one to redeem themselves from theft, he or she must have a lot of debt to pay. Amir continued to do evil by not aiding his friend at the time he needed him most. He failed Hassan which led to another search for redemption, this time one surrounding Hassan. Religion made it easier for him to seek forgiveness. His friendship was very worthy to him, which made him stay true toward the path of redemption. As a way to help him in his search for redemption, Amir grows closer to God. Mary Fulkerson says, ââ¬Å"This quest is not an easy one. The one who is po werful can only ask for help from Godâ⬠(Fulkerson, 29). This shows that even though this quest is difficult, only God can make it easier. Amir and Hassanââ¬â¢s friendship is of very high status to him. CD Mohatta says, ââ¬Å"Friendship is a gift of God. Some of us are blessed with good friends. But as it happens, these friendships are taken for granted in some cases and not valuedâ⬠(Mohatta, Par 1). This shows that friendship should be valued and one should not take this for granted like Amir has. Redemption in this circumstance should not be taken lightly. In ending, the status of their friendship aids him in the hunt for redemption. However, none of this would be possible without the help of God. Gratitude is defined as the feeling of being grateful or thankful. In Gran Torino, Mr. Kowalski helps Thaoââ¬â¢s family from gang violence. He saves Thaoââ¬â¢s sister from being murdered. Thao owes Walt extreme gratitude. This type of gratefulness leads to forg iveness which in the long run leads to self-redemption. Micheal Perman says, ââ¬Å"The road to redemption should not be taken lightly. Many qualities are needed before one is completely satisfied. Gratitude, compassion and joy are needed in this path. Gratefulness should be an instinct when seeking forgivenessâ⬠(Perman, 5). This explains that being grateful is the first secret to achieving success on the road to redemption. Gratitude is also a way to cleanse the heart of all evil. Redemption comes along with this. Allah (s. w. t) says in the Quran, ââ¬Å"And whoever is grateful ââ¬â his gratitude is only for himself. And whoever is ungrateful ââ¬â then indeed my Lord is free of need and Generousâ⬠(Quran 27:40). This shows that God will test the people to see who will practice gratitude and who will not. In closing, gratitude will help Thao and Amir in their search for redemption. It will make them feel grateful for what they have which will increase their desire to pursue redemption. In the path for liberation, many things need to be considered. There are many methods to increase a personââ¬â¢s success in the road to redemption. In The Kite Runner, Amir has many things to be grateful for but he also has many things to seek forgiveness from. His search ended in happiness but only with much difficulty. Similarly, Thao Vang Lor has faced many obstacles in this path. This is what redemption is all about. The obstacles, barriers and difficulties make it harder but they also make it worthwhile. Donââ¬â¢t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Way to Gain Ultimate Success" essay for you Create order
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Essay about Xacc/280 Week 8 Assignment Internal Controls
Internal Controls XACC/280 4/21/2013 There are many rules companies must follow whenever documenting financial information or any other data which is gather during any business transactions. In order for said companies to report financial information internal controls have to be put in place as companies have to adhere to certain laws and regulations. Internal controls can be defined as a process which companies follow in order to ensure all financial reporting is done in a reliable and lawful manner. Some think of it as a system which works within a system as it plays a major role on the success of a companyââ¬â¢s accounting system. At the organizational level, internal control objectives relate to the reliability of financialâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦It clearly states the responsibilities a company and its executives have when it comes to all financial reports. Furthermore it gives the company clearly stated consequences if they choose to falsify reports or mislead investors or the public of their financ ial conditions. It is necessary for a company to maintain effective internal controls over their financial reporting so that they can produce financial reports that are reliable and prevent financial fraud. If a company is unable to maintain effective internal controls, confidence and trust of investors will be affected. As a consequence, companies would begin to see a drop in their stock prices. If good internal controls are in place, companies will safeguard from unethical behavior and mistakes which are not allowed in financial statement reporting. A companyââ¬â¢s financial reports are looked over very carefully inside and out before an investor will even consider buying stock. The stock prices of companies that disclosed material weakness in ICOFR experienced declines of 5% to 10%. There are several limitations which hinder the effectiveness of the internal controls; these limitations can result from lapses in the process and include system omissions, human factors, resource constraints or a lack of system flexibility. Effective internal control implies the organization generates reliable financial reporting and substantially complies with the laws and regulations that
Question: Describe about the concept of internationalisation? Answer: Abstract: The study is done to understand the concept of internationalisation. Thought the concept of internationalisation is huge and it contains various elements the study is interesting and intensive. The main component of internationalisation is international marketing. All the elements that revolve around international marketing are discussed thoroughly. The importance of internationalisation is revealed with proper understanding. The study also leaves scope for further discussion on the topic. The nature of the topic is wide and it gives a proper understanding of business and its conduct at world arena. Introduction The process of Internationalisation of firms and their export development is a widely accepted concept. Internationalisation is the basic concept of taking a business on a global platform. A lot of challenges and insecurities surround the pathway of internationalisation. Internationalisation is a wider concept that includes many attributes. International marketing is one of them. International marketing is a very important concept of internationalisation that takes into account all the steps that helps a business firm to expand globally. International marketing is actually the appliance of marketing principles globally. It is based on the expansion of a company`s local marketing strategies. The companies pay special attention to identify, target and take decisions globally. International marketing executes the conception, pricing, promotions and all the strategies that are needed to make a business stand globally. It aims to sell and distribute products and services all over the glob e successfully. Reasons to go International 1. Profit Maximization: The basic motive of every company that goes international is to maximize its profit. The markets that are profitable for the company are selected and then ventured.2. Expansion: The companies always have a motive to expand their business and acquire the global arena. 3. Government Policies: The policies in some countries encourage their business houses to expand globally and bring home foreign currencies. In many developing countries the cost of production is low and companies try build up their production units there because of low cost of labour and raw materials. In this case, both the countries are benefitted (Erratum, 2014).4. Monopoly: In some international market the importance of some products are huge. For example if any product has a new technology or the idea is new or the raw materials used are unavailable anywhere in the world the importance of such goods are very high and the company can sell them at a very profitable rate and become a monopolist (Dolnicar and Lazarevski, 2009). Implementation of international marketing The technology is advancing at a very speedy rate and the cultural and geographical barriers are fading away. The small business this days aim to spread them and go worldwide. The organizations this days concentrate a lot on Supply chain management with a strong supply chain management the companies can sell their products anywhere anytime. The distribution channel is the most important source to carry out a business globally. The basic concept of international marketing is exchanging goods and services in the international market involving international buyers and sellers. Organisations have to accept the differences in the international barriers like languages, religions etc. The companies can make their products globalized before selling them on the global markets. The customers in the foreign markets are unknown people so knowing their tastes and preferences is a huge task. Prior to venture into a foreign market, the companies always take up an intensive marketing research task. There are various other relevant information that a company can seek to like the potential market size, type of competition existing in the market, prices, promotional differences and all the cost that would be incurred. Companies need to consider both short-term and long-term plans and target the markets accordingly (Clifton, Comn and Daz-Fuentes, 2011). Strategy to enter the foreign markets When a company tries to enter a market in foreign market it has many options and opportunities to explore. The opportunities vary from costs and degree of control and risk. In the riskier markets, the companies try to expand less and invest less. The easiest way to enter foreign markets is by exporting. Exporting can be done by direct or by indirect method. The complexities of venturing into foreign market arise with joint ventures (Journal of International Marketing, volume 19 / number 3 / 2011, 2011). The key focus area of international marketing: 1. Marketing: the company needs to decide its target country or countries where it wants to expand its market. 2. Segmentation: the company has segment the market and differentiate its potential customers from others. 3. Channels of distribution: Entering a foreign market is not an easy task. The company has to decide its route to the market. Either direct or indirect entrance i.e. with the help of intermediaries or directly or with the support of the government. 4. Sourcing: Where to get the products? Whether to buy or to make? 5. Control over the business and investment: venturing into the foreign market requires to make a decision on investments, partners, total control on the company etc. The key elements of marketing mix in international marketing: Marketing mix comprises of the 4P`s. This 4P`s are product, price, place and promotion. After the company has decided the place of expanding its business it has to estimate many other factors included in product, price, promotion (Cadogan, 2012). Product: Before venturing into the market the company has to understand few things about product support. These elements are labelling, packaging, manufacturing, product management, product specification, market information. These are relevant things about a product that should be significantly estimated before venturing. The value of the product must be very good in the new market or else there is no point in selling them as the buyers would not find anything new or interesting (Clifton, Comn and Daz-Fuentes, 2011). Price: Price is an important factor because customer always seeks a product high in value and less in price. The companies have to be very conscious about the pricing strategy. The pricing strategy depends on the nature of the product. If a product is newly introduced or the technology is new, then the company can play in the monopoly market. If the product is already existent in the market, then the company must give extra value to the product so that the customers can differentiate it from the regular ones. The company can estimate the various pricing strategies before establishing price of the product (Chen, 2011). Promotion: To establish a product in the market the companies will have to promote the products. An extensive market campaigning would be necessary to make the product liked by the foreign market. The various tools of promotion are advertising in the electronic media, exhibitions, trade shows, agent commissions, literature, direct mails etc. If the customer could see the extra factor in the product because of the promotion, then the chances are that it will boom in the market. Promotion is a vital tool of marketing. Promotion actually takes a full-fledged product to its customers (Cateora, Gilly and Graham, 2011). There are other elements too, which are equally important like the marketing mix. These elements are like inventory support, Distribution support, Service support, and financial support. The points are discussed in the explanations below. Inventory management: Inventory management in a foreign location is an important factor. The company supplies its products to the markets and their ware housing is a huge cost. Cultural convergence and divergence Adaptation and standardization of marketing strategies: Before going global, the companies should standardize their marketing strategies, which would help them to acclimatize in the foreign market. The buying behavior in the international market varies very frequently. For example, a market may take a pair of denim jeans as a commonplace but the other market may take it as a luxury. Hence, the seller has to be very profound in selling his goods. The strategies have to be planned in such a manner that the consumer tastes and preferences are met in every market. Adaptation may be referred as being acclimatized to a particular market whether niche or lower. The companies have to adopt strategies as per the need of the market. If the market is niche the company will have to spend a lot in its quality of production and standard of marketing but in a lower segment of market it does not have to do spend much. Standardization refers to standardizing the product and marketing strategies to ga in customers from a niche market. Here the tastes and preferences of customers are very high. In order to meet the needs and demands of these customers the companies have to strategically standardize its products and quality. Adaptation enables the companies to succeed in all the market it is operating. It is very necessary to understand the buying behavior of the customer. The local needs of the customers can only be met by doing proper surveys and marketing research (Bothma and Burgess, 2011). Strategies for selecting International market The selection of a market and analyzing the opportunities threats included in the market determine the strategies that would further be needed by a company to survive in that market. It is very necessary for the companies to do an analysis of the environment and analysis of the market. The competitors of the market have to be analyzed who sell the same products and services. Other important factor is the selection of distribution channels. Service dominant logic The dominant logic of marketing of marketing in which there exists a co-creation of values by both the company and the customer is service dominant logic. It mainly focuses on service providing and building relationship with the customer. International marketing is a very critical issue these days. A foreign marketer has to keep a lot of social and environmental issues in mind before taking the decision of expanding globally. Companies are undertaking a lot of environmental issue in the foreign market and serving them as friends. This is the creation of value. This helps creating relationship with the foreign market. Many software companies look into the matter of social and environmental issues and help the local people to live in prosperity. This days business houses believe more in creation of values than just earning money in the foreign market. It is a very positive aspect of international marketing that helps them acquire markets in many countries. This has become an internatio nal marketing concern (Bianchi, 2011). Issues associated with international marketing 1. Political and Legal Variations: The legal and political background of foreign markets is dissimilar. The intricacy generally increases as the numeral of countries in which a company does business increases. The political and legal surrounding is not the same in all states of many home markets. 2. Cultural variations: Cultural difference cause one of the most complicated problems in international marketing. It is vital to recognize cultural differences to invent successful marketing strategies. However, many domestic markets are also not free from cultural miscellany. 3. Currency unit differences: The exchange unit fluctuates from country to country. This may sometimes arise problems of currency convertibility, besides the issues of swap rate fluctuations. There may be differences also in the monetary system and regulations. 4. Language disparity: An international marketer often sees problems due to language variation. Even when the same language is used in different countries, the same language or language may have various meanings. However, the language problem is not something strange to international marketing. 5. Marketing communications Differences: The ease of use and nature of marketing services available in different countries may vary broadly. For example, an advertising intermediate very successful in one market may not be accessible, or may be immature, in any other market. 6. High Costs of Distance: When the markets are divided by distance, the transfer cost becomes sky scraping and the time required for the delivery lean to become longer. Distance leans to increase certain other costs too. The International marketing approaches: In an International market, a marketer approaches a customer in two ways. He establishes relationship with his customer and for this; he has to prepare a good relationship management system. In this after the customer has made a purchase the customer tries to maintain relationship with the customer by contacting him. A customer relationship manager is assigned to maintain relationship with customers. The next approach is transactional marketing, transactional marketing is a method of old school that used to focus on increasing sales and maximizing profit. This is an old concept now. Now a days businesses try to focus more on building relationship and then build a good book of potential customers (Andriopoulos, 2013). International communication in international business Businesses are selling goods around the globe. Partnerships are formed with communities from varied cultures as business associations are shaped. Each nation and cultures inside a nation bring communication challenges to businesses. Excellent communication practices help preserve these complex business transactions. Bad communication executes can cause loss of business and even global tension among countries. Since cultures differ so extensively across the world, understanding the differences in culture is vital to the business environment. A person's culture affects the means he converse. For example, Japanese do not like to deny anything straightforwardly. In a business meeting, a Japanese businessperson may indicate refusal, but in no way directly utter it. This can cause confusion. Other cultural example is in Saudi Arabia. Never converse with women, ask about a female family member's wellbeing. In Saudi Arabia, one may be have a business convention and the person may leave the r oom for 20 minutes. The Saudi man may have gone to offer prayers as he considers the business conference more of a conversation than meeting. The integration of sales and marketing The awareness creation amongst a population and converting them into actual customers, who would buy a product, involves both proper marketing and proper sales. The integration of sales and marketing is very necessary in order to sell a product. The techniques of marketing would help promoting the product and a proper selling to the prospect claims good sales in a year. During internationalization the companies has to go through an extensive marketing of the product. The promotion is a quint essential part. Both the teams of marketing and sales have to work together to achieve sales. The job of the marketing team is to generate leads and passing them over to the sales team. The sales team would then take care of the prospect and try to convert them into potential customers. A company is said to be working in integration when both the sales and marketing are working together. Conclusion The concept of internationalization is very huge. Going global and selling goods on a global scale is a dream of every company. However, the process passes through a lot of challenges and competition. The world market needs new concepts, new fashion and prefers new tastes always. The business houses have to be precise in understanding the needs of the customers. The process of internationalization depends on many factors. A firm has to undergo a lot of research before venturing into a foreign market. The analysis of the competitors, the analysis of the market demands, the consumer`s buying behavior, government policies and many other factors. The companies dwell in a state of insecurities of doubts of success before they gain some potential customers in that market. It is suggested to take the help of the domestic importers to expand the business in foreign markets. Bibliography Andriopoulos, S. (2013). Emerging perspectives in qualitative research in international marketing.International Marketing Review, 30(4). Bianchi, C. (2011). Semiotic approaches to advertising texts and strategies: Narrative, passion, marketing.Semiotica, 2011(183). Bothma, N. and Burgess, S. (2011).International marketing. Cape Town, Republic of South Africa: Oxford University Press, Southern Africa. Cadogan, J. (2009). Editorial.International Marketing Review, 26(2). Cateora, P., Gilly, M. and Graham, J. (2011).International marketing. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. Chen, C. (2011). Integrated Marketing Communications and New Product Performance in International Markets.Journal of Global Marketing, 24(5), pp.397-416. Clifton, J., Comn, F. and Daz-Fuentes, D. (2011). From national monopoly to multinational corporation: How regulation shaped the road towards telecommunications internationalisation.Business History, 53(5), pp.761-781. Dolnicar, S. and Lazarevski, K. (2009). Marketing in nonà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã profit organizations: an international perspective.International Marketing Review, 26(3), pp.275-291. Erratum. (2014).Journal of International Consumer Marketing, 26(3), pp.267-267. Fernandez, R. (2013). Internationalisation, crisis and sustainability: opportunities to reinforce corporate social responsibility strategies.IJHRCS, 1(3), p.267. Gillespie, R. and Volpi, F. (2014). Internationalisation of Journal and Renewal of Personnel.Mediterranean Politics, 19(1), pp.1-1. Hatum, A. and Michelini, J. (2011). Going global: the process of internationalisation of Latino multinational firms.International Journal of Business and Emerging Markets, 3(1), p.36. HSU, Y. (2011). INNOVATIVE PRODUCT DESIGN APPROACHES FOR IMPLEMENTING MARKETING STRATEGY: THE LINKAGE.International Journal of Innovation Management, 15(04), pp.837-868. Jiang, N. and Carpenter, V. (2011). Market entry dynamic framework for higher education internationalisation.Journal of International Education in Business, 4(2), pp.141-158. Schweizer, R. (2014). Resource management in international new ventures - developing a competitive advantage through internationalisation.International Journal of Globalisation and Small Business, 6(2), p.79. Simant, J. (2013). Committing to Internationalisation: Careers of African Participants at the World Social Forum.Social Movement Studies, 12(3), pp.245-263. Special issue on international marketing, strategic orientations and business success. (2010).International Marketing Review, 27(5). Special issue on international marketing, strategic orientations and business success. (2010).International Marketing Review, 27(6). Stavljanin, V., Milicevic, V. and Makuljevic, J. (2011). Strategic approach to film marketing in international setting.Marketing, 42(2), pp.89-96. Winch, G. (2014). Strategic business and network positioning for internationalisation.The Service Industries Journal, 34(8), pp.715-728. Cadogan, J. (2012). International marketing, strategic orientations and business success.International Marketing Review, 29(4), pp.340-348. Journal of International Marketing, volume 19 / number 3 / 2011. (2011).Journal of International Marketing, 19(3), p.i-vi.
Thursday, April 23, 2020
Nicholas James free essay sample
Kenmaru Suedomi, C Block Nicholas James, No legs, No arms Do you think that there is something you canââ¬â¢t do in your life? You sometimes get stuck and feel you canââ¬â¢t do anything even there is always possibility trying in the life. However, the word ââ¬Å"Impossibleâ⬠does not exist in his mind. His name is Nicholas James, he has no arms, no legs, but he never give up. He continues trying his best effort until he thinks he canââ¬â¢t. When I was watching the speech of him I was so amazed by his hard life and how he overcomes it. When he was a child his parents wanted him to study as a normal student, and put him in the public school. He was a good student, he studied hard and became the most intelligent student in the school but he was often bullied by other students only because he was a disabled person. We will write a custom essay sample on Nicholas James or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page If I was in his situation I would probably think about suicide so I can avoid from the reality. Nick tried to suicide when he turned to 10 years old but he was not able to do when he thought about parents crying in front of his grave. In the speech, he said, ââ¬Å"I am not going to marry, Iââ¬â¢m not going to have a job, Iââ¬â¢m not going to have a life. That was too strong for the thirteen years of teenager. But, now he is not, he found out that he can help societies by encouraging people through the speech and he actually succeeded in doing the speech. I think he received one of the most important roles which only he can do it. I might not be good at sports or speaking English as native speakers but I am the only one who knows Japanese and its cultures. This video gave me the next steps for my future life. You sometimes need to confront the problem but I never ever give up until I think I canââ¬â¢t.
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
The History Of Dinosaurs Essays - Dinosaur, Saurischia, Triceratops
The History Of Dinosaurs Essays - Dinosaur, Saurischia, Triceratops The History of Dinosaurs The dinosaurs were reptiles that appeared about 230 million years ago. It's believed that they had scaly skin and some ate plants and others ate meat. Scientists don't know whether or not the dinosaurs were cold blooded, but they think the smaller ones were warm blooded, and the large ones were cold-blooded. In this report you'll learn about the earliest dinosaurs, the kinds of dinosaurs, and how the dinosaurs died. There are two main groups of the earliest dinosaurs: Thesaurischian, and the ornithischian First I'll tell you about the Saurischian. The Saurischian were the first main group of dinosaurs. The Saurischian had lizard like hip joints. In this group there is the Theropoda. These weird dinosaurs were meat eaters that walked on their hind legs. Also there was the Sauropoda. The Sauropoda were the plant eating dinosaurs that walked on all four legs. The second main kind of dinosaurs were the Ornithischian, which had bird like hip joints. There is only one group belonging to this group and that is the ornithopoda. The Ornithopoda were plant-eating dinosaurs that walked on two legs. There were also the armored and horned dinosaurs, which were also plant eaters. There were many, many different kinds of dinosaurs. Some of them are the Brachiosaurus, the Stegosaurus, the Triceratops, the Tyrannosaurus, and the Zizhongosaurus. All of the dinosaurs are in one of two major groups. Plant eaters or meat eaters. Some plant eaters are the Saltasaurus, the Kritosaurus, and the Datousaurus. Some Meat eaters are the Chilantaisaurus, the Poekilopleuron, and probably the most terrifying one of all, the Tyrannosaurus. During the Carboniferous Period (360 to 286 million years ago), dense tropical forests were concentrated along the equator. Decaying vegetation, compressed by overlying deposits of sand and mud, was gradually converted into coal. Coal deposits of Illinios, the Appalachians, Britain and Germany were originally formed in a continuous band which was dispersed when the continents drifted apart. The Mesozoic Era lasted from 245 until 65 million years ago. In the sea, marine communities began to assume a modern composition of molluscs and other invertebrates. On land, dinosaurs dominated faunas, and the first flowering plants appeared. At the beginning of the Mesozoic, all of the earth's continents were joined as the supercontinent Pangea. Some dinosaurs can swim and some can fly. The ones that swim have large, flat arms, or flippers, that help them through the water. The ones that fly usually have two legs and huge wings that can have a 30 foot wingspan! There are many theories about how the dinosaurs died. The most populaur one is that the weather became cooler, and the dinosaurs had no feathers or fur to protect them against the changing weather. Others are like a star exploded, but then how could some other speacies have lived. Another one is that an astioriod hit the earth and made the land dark for three, or so , years. So only the animals that could live on nuts or rotten plants could live. They also think that they have the rock. The dinosaurs came to rise in the earlier part of the Triassic period, and ecologically dominated our planet until the late cretaceous. Dinosaurs evolved from reptiles, and birds evolved from the dinosaurs (to clear up an erroneous myth circulating out there, the dinosaurs did not evolve into birds. The birds came from the dinosaurs). Dinosaurs have been divided into two main groups: Saurischians, or "lizard-hipped" dinosaurs, and Ornithchians, or "bird-hipped" dinosaurs Saurischians, in my opinion, are the better of the two groups. They include all dinosaurian predators and the sauropods, or animals such as Apatosaurus and other very large animals. The ornithchians essentially include everyone else; Triceratops, Stegosaurus, Ankylosaurus, and all of the other herbivores. The saurischians are divided further into the theropods (animals that walked on two feet), and the sauropods, as mentioned above. Further information about these animals can be found in my two dinosaur databases, below. By now, most people are beginning to believe that dinosaurs were warm-blooded. Others believe that the dinosaurs were cold-blooded, and then there is the "muddy middle", or those who believe that the dinosaurs were some of both. This is known as the endo-ecto question, which asks whether the dinosaurs were endotherms (warm-blooded) or ectotherms
Sunday, March 1, 2020
How to Promote Student Growth
How to Promote Student Growth There is a growing need to measure students growth and success in the classroom, especially with all the talk in the media about teacher evaluations. Its standard to measure student growth at the beginning and the end of the school year with standardized testing. But, can these test scores give teachers and parents a good understanding of the students growth? What are some other ways educators can measure students learning throughout the year? Here we will examine a few ways that teachers can promote student understanding and performance. Ways to Promote Student Development According to Wong and Wong, there are some ways professional educators can promote student growth in their classroom: Set high expectations for student achievementMake sure that students perform at or above expectationsSolve problems so students will receive servicesUse up to date research and technologyPlan instructional strategiesApply higher-order learning skillsApply information-processing strategiesApply complex learning tasksUse cooperative learning in the classroomUse invitational learning in the classroomArticulate information clearlyApply classroom management These suggestions that the Wongs gave will indeed help students to achieve and demonstrate their abilities. Promoting this kind of learning can help students prepare for the standardized testing that measures their growth throughout the year. By using the suggestions from the Wongs, teachers will be preparing their students to be successful on these tests while promoting and developing important skills. A Variety of Ways to Measure Student Performance Measuring student growth solely on standardized tests have always been the easiest way for teachers to determine that the students are grasping the information taught. According to an article in the Washington Post, the problem with standardized tests is that they mainly focus on math and reading and do not take into account other subjects and skills students should be developing. These tests can be one part of measuring academic achievement, not the whole part. Students can be evaluated on multiple measures such as: Growth throughout several yearsPortfolio of students work in all subjectsExamsCritical thinking skillsProblem-solving skillsGroup ProjectsWritten and oral presentationsClass projects and experiments Including these measures along with standardized testing would not only encourage teachers to teach a wide range of subjects well but would also accomplish Presidents Obamas goal to make all children college ready. Even the poorest of students would have the opportunity to demonstrate these critical skills. Achieving Student Success To achieve students academic success, it is paramount that teachers and parents work together to help develop and build skills throughout the school year. A combination of motivation, organization, time management, and concentration will help students stay on track and be able to achieve successful test scores. Use the following tips to help students achieve success: Motivation To help motivate students to find out what they are passionate about and use their interests to connect with their school work. Organization For many students, something as simple as staying organized is the key to academic success. To help students stay organized, organize and label all materials and notebooks and keep a checklist of essential tasks. Time Management Learning to prioritize and manage time can be difficult for students. To help them manage their time keep track of assignments and tasks by creating a school calendar. Concentration Students get distracted very easily, to keep their minds on the task at hand enlist parents to designate a quiet zone for homework where there are NO interruptions. Sources: Wong K.H. Wong R.T (2004).How To Be An Effective Teacher The First Days Of School. Mountain View, CA: Harry K. Wong Publications, Inc.
Thursday, February 13, 2020
Business Communication Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Business Communication - Case Study Example A lack of central knowledge portal A communicative gap can be caused by inability of the employees and employers to find a common point and a common solution can be hardly found. It should be noted that a communication gap between different departments and regions is the result of invisible silos. Communication gap in the business world is often referred to differences of communication between men and women. The latter have changed their communicative strategies and reached incredible heights and leading positions in their companies. Credibility is hardly reached by women. They have to assure their business partners of their professionalism and well-developed skills. There are different communicative strategies among men and women, when the former play their communicative rules in accordance with well-established communicative strategies and the latter do not have those communicative strategies at all (Darling & Beebe 2007, p. 78). A lack of formal meeting structure It is hard to sol ve a problem of communication gap, especially when there is no formal basis for meeting and discussion of the employeesââ¬â¢ concerns. Moreover, communication problems were even more intensified by the absence of the feedback system. The company tries to introduce their own communication improvement system, but taking different measures often fails. For example, there are ââ¬Å"performance development reviewsâ⬠as a formal tool between a manager and direct report. Personnel are concerned about their salaries, but there are a lot of those, who do not believe in the reliability of this strategy. Lack of formal Training It is evident that employees of the company are lacking of formal training. A relevant strategy is to improve communication in different departments, because implementation of innovations and changes is rather challenging for the company. A lot of flaws in the feedback system. It is also appropriate for the company to develop and promote a clear cooperation amo ng the employees. Managers of the company implement two basic approaches to foster communication in the company: laissez faire approach and traditional culture. Due to the conservative leadership practices in the organization, there are a lot of weaknesses in communication style of the company. Old views of the companyââ¬â¢s leaders are preventive factors for innovative and creative thinking development of the employees. A presence of another leader, who is able to foster progressive thinking and policy of the company, is a great benefit for the staff (Johnson, Donohue, Atkin & Johnson 1994, p. 113). A modern approach is a strong background for development and innovations implementation in the company. A different background is a favorable factor for the companyââ¬â¢s development. Employees are engaged in different activities and are promoting and increasing the Inglis Value of teamwork. No clear demarcation of responsibilities especially implementing operational change An imp ortant advantage for the company is the fact that the MD brought with him innovative elements from his previous company. This fact is appropriate for success and development within the organization, because Minsky and Martin (1998) claim: ââ¬Å"first, the dissolution ofà the hierarchical model of organizationà has been accompanied by a changing relationship between the organization and the individual; individual contributors become the organizationââ¬â¢s most valuable resource; contemporary organizations have highly permeable
Saturday, February 1, 2020
Marketing management exam Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Marketing management exam - Essay Example However, summed with faulty anticipation of the market trends and too much investment in a particular project to support its aggressive marketing strategies, Tesco also had to face significant challenges in securing the desired return on its investment along with affecting its market reputation to a considerable extent. Illustratively, it was because of the same reason that the launching of Tescoââ¬â¢s fresh and easy store failed in the US market recently. Marketing Plan for the First Year: One of the major problems that Tesco is facing is maintaining accuracy in anticipating the changing needs and wants of the customers. Therefore, in the first year, Tesco should build such product management strategies that could identify the tastes and preferences of the potential customers. Besides ensuring the quality while offering the products to its potential customers, Tesco shall also try to renovate the older products according to the tastes and preferences of the customers to augment t heir demand. Similarly, as a market leader and to make a stronger appeal to its customers, Tesco should note that in the modern world the customers are becoming increasingly quality driven. Therefore, Tesco should reassess its marketing processes concerning certain products in order to attract the customersââ¬â¢ loyalty at a greater degree. To be specific, Tesco should also be concerned regarding its product quality rather than entirely focusing on pricing at a cheaper rate than its competitors. Tesco must also pay due attention on enhancing its customer relationship model to sustain its competitive advantages at stake owing to the rising competition and the various ethical issues surrounding its regular functioning. Accordingly, to maintain transparency and enrich its customer recognition, the company should emphasise taking regular feedbacks from its various stakeholders including customers, employees, suppliers and shareholders. As expected, the feedbacks shall assist Tesco to balance its shareholder-centric objectives and its sustainability goals in a more competent manner and overcome the currently observed challenges. Marketing Plan for the Second Year: In the following year, Tesco should deliver due emphasis on storing and interpreting the feedbacks obtained from the stakeholders. This will certainly assist the company not only to develop a more objective oriented business functioning to reward a better market stance but will also enrich its product/service marketing strategies, contributing to a more competitive advantage to the company. It will be noteworthy for the company to ensure that the feedbacks obtained from the customers and other group of stakeholders are not misinterpreted, which will further assure accuracy in its market anticipation. Likewise, the company can develop different strategies to suffice the market trends and demands in different places. It is very much essential in this context that Tesco aims at taking a competitive advant age of its brand name and keep focusing on its transparency obligations as well as better customer focus in its marketing operations. Besides, in the second year of application of this marketing plan, the company needs to take an assessment of the strategic application effectiveness. Accordingly, Tesco must also shift from its
Friday, January 24, 2020
Biography of Plotinus :: essays research papers
Plotinus was born in Upper Egypt, more specifically in Lycopolis in 204 CE. When he was twenty-eight he moved to Alexandria to study philosophy. While in Alexandria, he was tremendously influenced by Plato and Aristotle and therefore studied their works immensely. Subsequent to working under Ammonius for approximately ten years, he joined the Emperor Gordianââ¬â¢s campaign against the Parthians (Persians) in 243 AD. He joined the campaign, partly because he was somewhat intrigued by the Persiansââ¬â¢ philosophies, but mainly because he was greatly interested in the philosophers of India and Persia. Plotinusââ¬â¢s plan failed: the emperor was assassinated in Mesopotamia and he was coerced to escape to Antioch in order to save his life. In 244 AD, he made his way to Rome and started his own school of philosophy. He was such a distinguished teacher, that he received rave reviews from highly eminent people, including the Emperor Gallienus and his wife Salonina. Not long after the school was founded, he thought up the idea for a model city, Platonopolis, in a city called Campania in Southern Italy. His idea was for the city to live according to the laws of Plato. Even though Gallienus was completely supportive of this plan, the other "imperial counselors" were not; therefore, the idea did not go any further. He continued to teach at his school in Rome until 268 AD. From that point, he retired to a rural estate of one of his disciples in Campania. During the last few years of his life, he began to put down in writing, his responses to the most common questions that were raised during his seminars. These responses were written in essays, primarily because the extent of most of the answers could not
Thursday, January 16, 2020
My Job Experience
Narrative Story: The first-person narrative is a literary technique wherein a story is narrated explicitly by one or more of the characters, who refers to himself or herself in the first person as ââ¬Å"Iâ⬠. As the narrator express his/her own feelings, thoughts, and experiences, the narratorââ¬â¢s character is revealed and the reader easily gains insight to the character. It also suspends information from the reader, and therefore widely used and effective to suspense and detective fiction. My Job Experience I woke up with a loud ringing near my head.A few days back, or years to be exact, I would have easily put it off and dose back again on my soft pillows. Ahh, but this day was different. Itââ¬â¢s my first day in my first job ever. I could hear my head pounding. I never needed the alarm clock in the first place anyway, since I hardly slept last night. Iââ¬â¢ve always seen myself as a ââ¬Ëcool guyââ¬â¢ but the butterlies in my stomach speaks much differently ab out me, though. I headed for the shower and felt the water slap me from my semi-half-awake half-asleep state. Breakfast!But where are my stockings? Though contrary to real day-today experience, I wish mom was here. Well, better get off now or I might miss the bus. I surely want to make a good first impression and hope this will carry me all the way to promotions. I can hardly wait right now to experience the sweet smell of success! I stopped myself as I saw a man staring at me. Daydreaming may have been written all over my face. Secretly, I pinched myself for making a fool of me. As I came inside the building, I headed for the shop to which I was assigned.Across the shop, Darlene Shepherd subtly nodded at me, acknowledging approval of my early arrival. She was the one who chose me as a shop steward. Of course, I wanted to prove my worth. I love the dignity of work, but best of all, I love to walk around the corner and shop just a liiiitle bit of little-bitty things. My first day in my first job closed shopped with less adventure than I expected. This routine, except for the case of the missing stockings, went on for some time. Until last April, I saw my coworker named Daniels crying.Apparently, she was reprimanded. I came near her. At first it felt awkward hugging her a bit ( we hardly knew each other except for our first names). But when I did, her tears fell all the more, and I was completely taken over by her concern It was mid-afternoon, she said when her legs became awfully painful trying to stand all day. As the pain became almost unbearable, she tried to sit on one of the chairs placed near the customerââ¬â¢s area. Though shoppers were becoming fewer by the moment, Mr. Jarvis (our head supervisor) came in just as she sat down on the couch.Think about perfect wrong- timing indeed! I could understand where Mr. Jarvis is coming from, since it did look the way it shouldââ¬â¢nt look. But termination? I tried to calm myself down. Being angry might give me my fifteen minutes of victory but it could defeat my career-history. I brought the case to higher management. I carefully chose and weighed my words and to my amazementâ⬠¦ they listened and relented. From then on my co-workers would start looking for me to speak for them whenever they have concerns that they feel uneasy to face with the supervisor or manager.I found myself getting more and more involved in my co-employeesââ¬â¢ work-related concerns. I have learned to listen and empathize with them, without getting emotionally involved myself whenever the outcome turns out unfavorable. I never did saw myself before as what I am becoming right now. Lately, weââ¬â¢ve been involved in community outreach to feed the homeless. Itââ¬â¢s a pretty sight to see big-muscled Jack teaching math to 5 year- old Sam. Iââ¬â¢ve seen how generous below-middle class workers could be with their spare time.I thought plenty spells generosity, but my co-workers proved them wrong. Before we started this project, I honestly had some doubts as to its success and sustainability. Before, it was just us, me and the union. I believe in the unionââ¬â¢s contribution to the betterment of the workerââ¬â¢s welfare. And yet, the more we ask, the more we see things to complain about. There seems to be no end on what to grudge about. Of course, as we go along helping the needy, there would be more things to sort out, too. And more things to improve on.Yeah, life as a shop steward does have its many rewards. Shopping? Maybe. For now I see my storehouse rich with lifeââ¬â¢s lessons ââ¬â being my brotherââ¬â¢s keeper (whether one is rich or not-so-rich), standing up for what is just and striving for equality. As we wrap our things and clean up the mess after the feeding program, all around me, I see tired happy faces. Tired, but happy. Reference: 1. ââ¬Å"First-Person Narrativeâ⬠. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/literary_sty les
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
The Theory Of The Criminal Justice System - 931 Words
The notion that punishment should be equal to the crime is a major philosophy in the US criminal justice system. However, finding a great balance between justice and punishment is often a blurred line. Over the past 40 years, the population of state and federal prisons have risen drastically. Polices such as the war on drugs and get tough on crime have caused judges to give out more incarceration years than ever before. With such are large prison population, the resources needed to operate is much greater than ever before. Many in the criminal justice system began to question if excess sentencing is responsible for the failed prison system. This essay will explore the theories of proportional sentencing and how they could be implement. This essay will look at the current polices of sentencing and the how theories associated with proportional sentencing could be used to repair a broken punishment system. The need for punishment has always been necessary in our world. In the m odern justice system, offenders are judged and punishment by the government and not those whom the offended. While this approach has taken punishment out of the hand of those whom have been offended, it is still at its center a type retribution. The theory of retribution states at its core that criminals deserve to suffer and prisons should make sure that they suffer for their crimes. The approach does have some good points. First, this approach focuses on the punishment being equal inShow MoreRelatedThe Theory Of The Criminal Justice System1292 Words à |à 6 Pagesconspiracy theory is a theory that argues that the rich and those with power seek the make sure the criminal justice system fails because they benefit from that failure. Conspiracy theories are hard to be proven and for it to succeed, it has to be kept a secret. Thereââ¬â¢s no credibility in the sources due to the degree of secrecy. Conspiracy theories are invalid because it doesnââ¬â¢t correspond with how peop le behave most of the time. The Pyrrhic defeat theory isnââ¬â¢t a conspiracy theory because the theory basesRead MoreThe Theory Of Criminal Justice System1544 Words à |à 7 PagesThroughout history we have seen many theories being implemented in the criminal justice system. People come in and try to set in something new that they think will improve the overall performance of the criminal justice system. To fully understand how theories work, it is critical to first be fully aware of what theories actually are. A theory is a set of interrelated variables formed into hypothesis, that specify a relationship among variables. Criminal justice is the main umbrella that all the otherRead MoreTheories of Criminal Justice System3211 Words à |à 13 Pages 1. Christie (1977) and Zehr (1985) are restorative theory classcs. a, Present the core arguement of each, ensuring that relevant key concepts are defined. b, Idntify and discuss (2) points of smularity and (2) points of difference in thier arguements In the 1970s, various writers and theorists condemned the criminal justice system pointing out its deficiencies particularly in regards to victims rights. One of these writers was Nils Christie (1977) who aroused international interest with hisRead MoreThe Deterrence Theory Of The Criminal Justice System1368 Words à |à 6 PagesThe Deterrence theory is a key element in the Criminal Justice System. Itââ¬â¢s principles about justice appeal to us because it adapts to our ideas of what we identify as fairness. Punish the sinful and the ones who break the law, swiftly, to the extent that pain will dissuade them from committing a crime ever again. Its sole purpose, to instill fear. Fear of breaking the law because of its punishments. We not only use this theory to punish criminals, but it is a basis in which we raise our kids andRead MoreDeterrence Theory Of The Criminal Justice System2120 Words à |à 9 PagesUnit 2 DB1 Deterrence Theory Deterrence theory has many ideas as to what constitute deterrence. Some researchers think that it is the main purposes of our criminal justice system. They do agree that it is the main goal when it comes down to discouraging society from committing criminal deeds. Because, of fear of punishment for committing a crime. Some researcher would have you believe that the most powerful deterrent we have is our criminal justice system, because they are the ones that will makeRead MoreCriminal Justice System: Classical School Theory1481 Words à |à 6 Pagesthis paper I will discuss a major theory that has helped shape our criminal justice system today and how it came about. There are multiple major theories that made the criminal justice system what it is today, but I will only be discussing one theory and the theory that I will be covering in this paper is the classical school theory. I chose this theory because I believe that people have a choice to decide what they do. That also pl ays a part in the criminal activities that they participate inRead MoreUtilitarian Theory of Punishment in the Criminal Justice System763 Words à |à 4 Pagesregarding punishment and responsibility. We, as a society, tend to look away when it comes to how criminals are being punished and maybe we should be paying more attention. Violence seems to be an integral part of our society, some raise their children with violence, we watch it on television, read it in newspapers and books and now we are even playing violent video games. When it comes to the judicial system the majority of citizens do not even know how individuals are being punished or if the punishmentRead MoreThe And Clarke s Theory Of The Criminal Justice System862 Words à |à 4 Pagesdrugs, is in and out of prison and jail, and also depends on illegal means to get what they want and need. These all lead to separate facets of the criminal justice system allowing for separate theories to set in to the families. I choose Cornish and Clarkeââ¬â¢s rational choice theory, general strain theory, and Sutherlandââ¬â¢s differential association theory. Cornish and Clarke begin the lead in allowing for work on why offenders enjoyed committing crimes to be accepted. Following Katz used this againRead MoreCriminal Justice Paper854 Words à |à 4 PagesCriminal Justice System CJA/204 INTRODUCTION TO CRIMINAL JUSTICE Criminal Justice System This first week the assignment was to Define crime, its relationship to the law, and the two most common models of how society determines which acts are criminal, Describe the government structure as it applies to the criminal justice system, Identify choice theories and the their assumptions in regards to crime, Describe the components of the criminal justice system and the criminal justice processRead MoreCriminal Justice Organizational Effectiveness Essay1084 Words à |à 5 Pagesachieving the desirable results is indicative of organization effectiveness. The United States Criminal Justice system is amongst the most respected governmental entities on the planet; and with a formidably structured and well developed hierarchy, history has uncovered its adaptability through operational effectiveness. Although many process, protocols, and scientifically reforms have been adopted, criminal justice practitioners and senior level leaders provide are continuously developing and revi talizing
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